Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Plate Walls

I really like the look of eclectic walls of plates.

The free-form shape of this one is so pretty.

Isn't it cool how this one wraps around the wall?

If you want to see more plate walls, just search around on Pinterest.

This weekend, I was in Anthropologie and found so many great plates.  Here are a few of my favorites, all of which can be found at Anthro.

 Such a fun quote - reminds me of spending time with my sister or friends I have known forever.

I think most of my walls are taken.  I just might have to move things around for a plate wall.  I also like the idea of slowly collecting plates over time and including some plates that have meaning or sentimental value.

What do you think?  Do you like the look of a plate wall?  Do you have one?


  1. Love the plate walls! The octopus and Eiffel Tower are my two favorite! :)

  2. I just started collecting plates for my dining room walls. I think its going to take plenty of time to get as many as I want but I saw it done on Sarah Richardson's show and I pretty much love anything she does!

  3. I wish I had a place in my home for a plate wall, I love them!

  4. I love plates and I love plates on walls too. I love that the look can be different too. I might be adding a few plates to our home but haven't decided for sure. I love the bumblebee plate from Anthro!

  5. Funny you should post on this...I was tweaking a plate wall yesterday, but then gave up and decided I needed some more plates! Looks like I have a resource!

  6. That is my kinda plate wall! Now I gotta be lookin for some Oct-O-pus plates cuz that's da bom... A funny plate wall...hmmm....

  7. I've hung plates before but I've been loving this modern twist of hanging them en masse and in a fluid arrangement! Doesn't Anthro have the most gorgeous plates? I drool there, then go to TJ Maxx!

  8. I have a small collection of plates..I do like browsing in thrift stores and discount stores for odd pieces. The ikat plates are interesting..Anthro has such a fun mix of patterns.
