Friday, September 21, 2012

Starting Simple

I haven't completed any big projects lately, but sometimes completing the simplest things can be just as gratifying.

For example, I have the dreaded junk drawer in my kitchen.  I cringe every time I open it and then quickly try to slam it shut and cram all of the clutter back in.

While Mary was playing in the kitchen, I decided to empty the entire drawer.  It's only be bothering me for 3-4 months!

I emptied the stuff and sorted it into litte plastic containers I had around.
While it's not perfect, it's so much better.  This little project only took me about 10 minutes and zero dollars after 3-4 months of procrastinating!

I have a house filled with little projects like this that need to get done.  I just need to start simple, not stress about making it perfect, and get things done. 

What little projects do you have around your house that you've been avoiding?


  1. I have a lot of papers and a few meus and some pens and pencils in my kitchen drawer which gets tidied every month or so. I believe everyone does have one. Time for a cleanup!

  2. I have a similar problem with the cabinet under the sink. I have more grocery store bags than I know what to do with and they're threatening me every time I open the doors.

  3. I believe we have a junk *house* rather than drawer. I'm currently sitting at my junk desk, looking at the junk counters, and bemoaning our junk bedroom.

    I tell myself it's not that bad, but I would love it all to be in a mere drawer.

  4. Oh I agree! Sometimes it's the little projects that make the biggest difference!

  5. What is it about organizing the junk drawer that is so refreshing??? I just love when I finally get around to doing that (once every couple of years!!) You're inspiring me to tackle mine. You are right - start simple!

  6. I had a junk drawer that made me certifiably cray-cray. I smile when I open it and see that it's still organized. :)

  7. We have a closet under our stairs i've been avoiding. I'll get to it at Christmas ... have to pull everything out to get the decorations LOL

  8. oh man i need to do the same thing....

  9. Good for you, Suzy! I tried to do my cosmetics drawer...what is in there, anyway? It did feel better after. Did you ever hear the mantra, "one drawer a day"?

  10. it's totally the little things that count! I just did this last night :)
