Monday, October 31, 2011

Guest Posting

Happy Halloween!

Before you crash from your sugar high (or does that only happen to me?), come visit me over at Type A.  I'm showing off some of my favorite things around my house.


  1. Awesome Halloween display!!! Very clever!

  2. Guest posts are fun - nice round-up of some of your projects. I gotta get my act in gear and get my guest post series together. Maybe I'll wait and kick off the new year with it. After all, tomorrow is November and we know that the weeks will start flying by. Have a great night!

  3. thanks girl! the post was great, you got a ton of comments! happy halloween,don't forget my party are featured!

  4. Lovely! Lovely! Found you from over at Aubrey's. Happy new follower and would love for you to check out my piece of blogland. I've got a fun contest running this week. :-)
