Sunday, November 27, 2011

Pinterest Pork Chops

That quote is so true for me.  I have developed a severe Pinterest addiction.  Sometimes it feels like I've spent so much time pinning, that I've run out of time to actually make any of the stuff I've pinned.

I had a big breakthrough last week as I actually tried a recipe I pinned.  This balsamic and brown sugar glazed crock pot pork was soooo good and super easy to make too.  I didn't have pork tenderloin, but substituted boneless pork chops from the freezer and they worked out just fine.  Even my picky daughter who thinks she can live on buttered noodles and ramen noodles raved about this meal.

Do it friends...take a break from the pinning and try something you've pinned!  I'm curious have you tried anything - a recipe, a craft, a decorating idea, a cleaning tip, etc. - from Pinterest?  If so, what was it and how did it turn out?


  1. Such a great idea...I was thinking about this just the other day and I've cut back my pinning simply for the fact that I wasn't getting anything out of it. I do at times pin things to use for ideas on design boards or for class, but I really wasn't doing anything with the images. I have tried a few recipes for which I think Pinterest helps with ideas. I'll have to try these pork chops - they look delicious! I've also got my eye on a craft but haven't found the right inspiration yet.

  2. Yum that looks delicious! I just tried some origami stars I saw on there, and they we so easy I made loads. Plus as I was folding I was still scrolling down Pinterest! ;)

  3. That looks amazing! I might have to pin it! haha!

    I did a Pinterest Recipe Week last month. It was a lot of fun. And it was a good way to find some keepers...and delete some pins that only looked good, but didn't taste that good.

  4. I have got to try looks too good!
