Saturday, December 10, 2011

Elf on the Shelf

Do you have an elf living at your house?  We do and his name is Buddy Fred, but sometimes we call him Buddy Ed.  Buddy Fred/Ed picks a spot each day in our home where he can watch our actions.  Each night, he magically flies back to the North Pole and gives Santa a report on our behavior.  Are we on the naughty list or the nice?  He returns in the morning to a new spot in our house.

The problem is that the girls are terrified of Buddy Fred/Ed.  They are convinced that his eyes are moving...following them around the room.  Little Mary asks multiple times a day for Buddy Fred/Ed to go back and live in his box because he is "too freaky."

The girls have been picking at the gingerbread house they made.  In fact, the other day, its roof caved in.  Buddy Fred/Ed was NOT pleased.

We awoke to find Buddy Fred/Ed trying to put the sad little gingerbread house together again.

Do you have an elf at your house?


  1. This is hilarious!! Im finding an elf now :)

  2. that is hilarious! ali had an extra she is sending me so i am anxiously awaiting his arrival so the shenanigans can begin!

  3. So funny Suzy! We just got one this year and I wrote a post about him for this week. Our guy is a troublemaker, getting into all sorts of mischief! LOL that your daughter wants him to get back into his box!!
    The eyes are a bit freaky.....I can see her point!

  4. Bwahahahahaha...I'm dying! We have an elf on the shelf, too...his name is Red (super original, right?). I'm pretty sure the kids asked if he could go home to the north pole after the second day because they were (and I quote) "tired of being good for red". Awesome. I was really hoping that he would be the extra omph that would get those little boogers to be good for the month of Dec. Back to the drawing board.

  5. I think this is SUCH a fun idea! But too funny that the kids are freaked out by him! Haha! I think I would be too! ;)

  6. He kind of looks like a ventriloquist and I'm a little freaked by those too. I was talking to one of my SILs the other day and the reason they don't do an elf is because her girls would be too freaked out about an elf partying and roaming around the house in the middle of the night. This gave me a big laugh!!

  7. Hahaha! That's hysterical! I'm laughin' my butt off...
