Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Favorite Posts of 2011

Yesterday I posted my most popular posts of the year.  Today I'm sharing my five favorite projects.

In no particular order...

#1 Black painted French doors
A simple coat of paint had a big impact. And led to a revamp of the dinng room.

#2 Painting the Piano (and the gallery wall)
I thought about painting this old piano for a long time.  I finally tackled it and I'm glad I did.

#3 Chevron Chairs
This was my first post ever!

#4 Bathroom Makeover
Paint, tile, trim, wallpaper.  Oh my!
#5 Striped Hallway
A lot of the projects I did this year for my kids, including new desks, chairs, a new dresser and curtains.  I asked what their favorite new project was and they said they liked their striped hallway with their artwork the best.  So here it is:
Thanks for coming along on this journey down memory lane with me!  Don't forget about the link party tomorrow.

Linked here:
Southern Hospitality


  1. What a fun year, Suzy! I hadn't seen your chevron chairs, you did an amazing job! I'm looking around and thinking I need to add some chevron somewhere! :)

  2. Good for you Suzy! Look at all of the awesome projects you did this year - and that's not even all of them. Very productive and fabulous I might add. Bravo girlfriend!

  3. Everything looks great! I love those chevron chairs!

  4. i am going to ditto what maury said- i love it all, btu those chevron chairs are my fave! love the touch they add against the sideboard.

  5. Hi Suzy, nice to meet you. I am one of your new followers ran across you on Revisionary Life's blog. I am going to enjoy your new adventures. Please stop by Hibiscus House and dolly's designs for a visit. Thanks for the link up.

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