Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Goals

I've never been a big New Year's resolution maker.  In the past, I've had vague ideas in my mind about things I'd like to accomplish.  They were generally pretty broad, such as "lose weight" or "be a good mom."  This year, I've decided to jot down some more specific goals and things that I hope to accomplish this year.

This is probably the most difficult for me.  I love junk food and generally survive on a diet of sugar, fat, and caffeine (ugh!!).  My junk food diet leads me to be crabby and tired.  I need to change this and hope to eat more healthily in 2012.

  • Eat 5 fruits and vegetables each day.
  • Keep the pantry free of junk food and the refridgerator stocked with fruits, veggies, and healthy snacks.
  • Meal plan to make dinnertime more nutritious for the family.  Cook more dinners that we eat together as a family.

This is probably the easiest goal for me because I'm a crazy person who actually likes to exercise.  I think exercise has been the only thing keeping my body semi-healthy despite the junk food/sugar obsession.  In this area, I want to continue what I've been doing this past year.

  • Weights 2x/week and running/spinning 3x/week.
  • Run the Palisade half-marathon in May.
  • Road bike more!  I love to bike, but never seem to do it enough.  Participate in one of the charity rides in my area (Tour of the Valley or Rose Hill Rally).

  • Revise the 2011 budget for 2012 and stick to it!
  • Get back to couponing and menu plan based on what's on sale.
  • Grow my legal and nonprofit consulting work.  Actively seek out work and clients.
  • List and sell completed furniture on Craigslist.

  • Simplify.  I'm not sure about everything this could entail, but I want to try to keep my and my family's lives simple so that we can focus on each other and what truly matters to us.  This might mean traveling less and staying home more; getting rid of clutter; not becoming overcommitted.  

  • Have meaningful family together time several times per month where we do something together as a family.  It could be going for a hike, playing games, doing a project etc. 
  • To become a better parent, take the Love and Logic parenting class in January.  Apply what I've learned to my family.

Source: via Suzanne on Pinterest

  • Remember that how I feel is a choice.  Choose to be positive.  Don't get sidetracked by negativity or worrying.  Try to instill this attitude of postivity into my children.  Choose joy!

  • Finish projects that I start or have already started.  This includes the girls' rooms and the unfinished furniture sitting out in the garage.
  • Paint the living room, dining room and kitchen.
  • Paint all trim throughout the house.
  • Choose one room/area per week and organize and purge that area of unneccessary stuff.
Here's a good overview:

What are some of your goals for 2012?  What are your dreams?  What do you hope to achieve?


  1. these are great goals! i really want to get out on the road more with my bike. but my bike is so old and i need a new one and they are expensive! i love road riding- i love scenic hilly rides and i am in the prefect place for it. maybe for mother's day. :) so glad to know you and look forward to 2012!

  2. Good for you Suzy! Now you have a list to go through each month to see what you have accomplished. I've still got all of my goals scribbled on a piece of paper, but they're written down. I still need to add some travel and fitness goals. One of my big goals is finding time for fitness. I used to be really really nuts about fitness and then I had Sheila, and then I started my blog. And it's really tough in the winter (usually I'll walk at lunch or workout at the park) but in the winter it's really difficult. Anyway, just wanted to give you a big high five for being accountable. You've got some great goals. Oh and meal planning too - I need to do better with that. Hope you had a great New Years.

  3. Suzy, great list - I'm inspired! Isn't it so gooood to make a list of concrete goals to try to achieve? Even if you don't get to all of them, at least you have a plan of action. One of my goals is to live more purposefully, starting with actually writing down my resolutions this year for once! Good luck and I hope your year ahead is productive and happy :)

  4. true! Love the last print...and can't wait to see you fulfill your goals in 2012! :)

  5. I'm not usually one for New Year's resolutions either, but after looking at your list, you've got me inspired to put my random thoughts to paper!

    Love that you have biking on your list, I am a huge biker, it's my go to exercise during the warmer months.

  6. I like your goals - I decided to make goals by the month -I figured they were smaller things I could accomplish which would make our life a little better

  7. that's a good list! I have yet to figure out if I even want to make any resolutions this year.
