Friday, January 27, 2012

Feature Friday: Anne from Hello Newman's

You know that area above your cabinets that is a dust/grease/knick knack collecter?  I've often wondered what to do on top of my cabinets.  I used to have lots of decor up there, but that all came down last spring when I wanted a cleaner look.  Now that area is looking kind of sad and neglected in my home.  I also have to climb up there every now and then to scrub off that yucky dusty build-up that hangs out up there.

I just about fell out of my chair a few days ago when I saw what Anne from Hello Newman's did with that area in her home.  I was so excited about this project, that as soon as my husband walked in the door from work, I made him come over to the computer to check out Anne's post and to try to convince him that we could do something similar.

Before I show you Anne's kitchen, I have to share her adorable little family with you.  Don't they look so fun and happy?  I want to hang out with them in real life!

Check out how Anne and her husband added height to their cabinets with a few pieces of wood and trim.  Here's where they started:

They nailed MDF to some scrap pieces of wood they attached to the ceiling:

Add some trim:

Add some paint and here's the completed project:

I think the added height looks great and it looks like the cabinets were always meant to be that way.  Anne and her husband make the whole thing look so easy!

This project is definitely going on my "Home Goals 2012" list.  Now, if I can get Big K to cooperate.....

Thanks so much to Anne for letting me share her genius project on my blog.  If you haven't visited Hello Newman's, you should hop on over for more details on this project and to see what Anne and her husband are up to next.  I always look forward to seeing what they do!

Happy weekend everyone!  We have my parents visiting all the way from Minnesota, so we're looking forward to lots of fun grandparent time.


  1. i just love anne's classic style! her dining room is my favorite! love it! and her!

  2. What a difference! My husband and I were just talking about that awkward space above our cabinets yesterday! Love how finished it looks with the crown molding.

  3. That is such a great idea! That area is just gross! I had one like that in my town house and the problem with putting stuff up there is that the stuff gets gross too! Thankfully, my cabinets go to the ceiling in the new house. Love it.

  4. I love that solution! It looks fantastic...Well done!

  5. Such an amazing idea which is so effective..will check out the blog. Enjoy time with your parents!

  6. Such an amazing idea which is so effective..will check out the blog. Enjoy time with your parents!

  7. I just adore Anne and her fabulous projects...I'm pretty sure all of us need to get together and hang out, how fun would that be??? (c:
