Monday, February 20, 2012

Random Musings on New Pillows and Downton Abbey

I recently dropped off this stack of fabrics at the seamstress:

The seamstress is named Margie and her shop is called Margie's Stitch and Sew.  Margie is at least 80 years old, probably closer to 90.  Her business occupied a little storefront in my town until recently, when Margie slipped on the ice when coming in to work.  Now, she works out of her home and she gets around on a little scooter.

I asked Margie if she could make some piping to put around the pillows and how much it would cost to complete pillow covers.  She said it would be between $3 and $5, depending on the size.  I couldn't believe the price!  I left the fabric with Margie.  She didn't take down my name, phone number, or any other information.  She just told me to come back in a few days to see if the pillows were done.  I wasn't sure what to expect.

When I came back, I saw a stack of four pillows piled neatly in the corner.  I had asked for a simple envelope style cover, but Margie went ahead and put in invisible zippers.

I could tell she was not thrilled with my color choices.  She wasn't sure why I wanted orange piping on the pillows.  To each his own, right?

I'm thrilled with the way the pillows turned out.  My only complaint is that on the dog pillow above the fabric is upside down on the back - the dogs face one way on the front, and then they are upside down on the back.  But for $5, I am not complaining!

I will definitely be bringing more projects to Margie in the future.  My sewing skills are not good and it's worth paying a few dollars to avoid the frustration and time it would take me to sew something.

Come back on Wednesday to see the "big reveal" of Mary's room as the One Room Challenge wraps up.

In other news, who watches Downton Abbey?

I watched the season finale last night.  Big K, who has watched maybe three episodes, even got teary eyed at several points during the show.  It was SO good and now I'm anxiously awaiting season three.  Does anyone know when it comes out?

Check out the Downton Abbey site on the PBS website while we're waiting for the next season.  If you are freakishly slightly obsessed with the show, the website has all kinds of video clips, cast interviews, and other interesting stuff to keep you occupied.

This weekend, I also watched True Grit.  Talk about the opposite of Downton Abbey! Big K has been bugging me to watch this with him for awhile.  I wasn't interesting in seeing it because I thought it would be a boring Western.  I was wrong.  It was a great movie and I would highly recommend it if you haven't seen it.


  1. oh i love the pillows! especially love the doggies and robots!!!

  2. The pillows look great and that price is ridiculous.

    Still haven't watched Downtown Abbey, but it's on my list.

    I felt the same about True Grit. I had NO desire to watch it, but it was a great movie.

    I'm going to post tomorrow about the Tag game:)

  3. They're filming Series 3 right now I believe, so it'll probably be Winter 2013 at the earliest before we see it here stateside. I love the show--the costumes, the furniture, the drama!

    And I watched True Grit a few weeks ago. Wow! Not what I expected. Loved it.

  4. love the story about Margie and the pillows and the price! i love when things in our home have an awesome back-story.

  5. Those prices are CRA-ZY! They came out great - I love the colors! Mary's room looks so cheerful and fun, Suzy!

  6. First, the pillows are adorable! Love the fun fabrics.

    OK so I have heard from about 600 people that I should be watching Downtown Abbey. I dont even know when it comes on but it sounds great!

  7. The pillows look great! I never thought about taking fabric to a seamstress!

    OK, I need to watch Downton Abbey. You're like the 10th person in the last 2 weeks to talk about how good it is!

  8. I can't even believe the *GONGA* that was for those pillows!!! So awesome!! And I actually watched the very first episode of Downtown Abbey, but I was a little I just need to watch a few more episodes to really get sucked in??? Believe me, I *want* to get sucked in!!!

  9. Oh my goodness! I love these! They're so stinking cute! Love all the different colors and fabrics!

  10. The pillows are great!!! $5.00 is crazy!! Especially for how good they look in your photos. Mary's room looks so good!

  11. The pillows are fantastic. Can't wait for the big reveal.

  12. What an amazing price! I think it is funny that she had an option about the color combinations! I have had work rooms look at me funny too! They turned out great... even if there are a few mistakes!

  13. The pillows look fabulous and you know the contrasting orange piping is so much fun! 2 of my siblings have been reminding me to watch DA but I have not yet. Will have to put it on netflix or find it some other way. Sounds amazing!

  14. Oh, Suzy! The pillows really add so much to the room. It's really coming together!

  15. Those pillows are so cute, Suzy! Love the combo of fabrics. Margie sounds like a good find:)

    My bday is tomorrow - ughh! - and I told my husband when he asked what I wanted that he could get me the first season of Downton Abbey on DVD (or the Hunger Games books)! Looking forward to watching it!!

    Hope you can get the time to participate in this Mood Board Monday, we'd love to have your talent. If not, I won't be made;) I know time is precious and the days are just flying by!! Hmmm...I wonder if I knew your roommate?!
