Sunday, March 25, 2012


I was so excited to spend the weekend working on the yard in the gorgeous spring weather.  Instead, I spent a good part of Saturday in the ER.

My fingers had a nasty run in with the hedge trimmers.
Notice the bloody toe?

 Nervously awaiting the stitches.  I'm a big baby around needles and blood.

Peace!  All stiched up and ready to go!

Four hours, seven shots and ten stitches later, Big K and I rushed straight to our dinner and a movie date.  We were meeting 20 friends for dinner and the Hunger Games.  It was fun (maybe it was the painkillers?).  My only regret was that I was still wearing my bloody gardening clothes, while all my friends looked so pretty.  Oh, and every time they showed a gory wound in the movie, my own gory wound would throb.

I'm down to the use of one hand and typing with one finger.  So bear with me in the lackluster blogging.  I can't imagine doing projects any time soon.  I also don't see myself using any sort of saw for awhile.  My little injury scared me!


  1. Noooooo!!! Oh my gosh, I can only imagine how freaked out you were. Sorry buddy :(

  2. Noooooo!!! Oh my gosh, I can only imagine how freaked out you were. Sorry buddy :(

  3. Just say a quick "thank you"!! You still have 2 fingers...whewh. You looked scared, I am so glad you are fine. Do you want to borrow Buster's collar?

  4. holy cannoli, that sucks! Hope you are feeling better soon. I spent the weekend unpacking the garage, I was wishing for a pair of hedge clippers to put me out of my misery.

  5. Yikes girl! Did those hedge trimmers have a mind of their own or what? Hope you are feeling better today... probably should leave the hedge trimming to the big boys!!!!

  6. i am a big baby, too! i have never had stitches aside from wisdom teeth and having babies... so if i had to see it and feel it i know i would totally freak out! wishing you a quicj recovery! you should get a computer you can talk to and it just types your words.... ;)

  7. Yikes! That's awful! So sorry you had an accident! I'm quite impressed though that you still went out after and straight from the hospital. You rock for that.

  8. Sorry to hear of your injury, but glad you still have all your fingers!

  9. Oh my goodness! I am glad you are ok and didn't lose any fingers! I am a big baby too and would not have handled stitches well at all. Glad you were able to make your dinner and movie date! I am queasy just thinking about this so I am going wish you a quick recovery and distract my mind with Pinterest!

  10. Oh Suzy!!! As sad as that is you still had me laughing with your bloody clothes comment. At least you had something to look forward to after the ER visit. Hang in there!!

  11. Oh Suzy!! That's awful!! I hope your poor little fingers are no longer throbbing and are on the mend! Wish I could come over and help you. Dang girl! You are hard core with the home projects over there! I am staying away from the hedge clippers from now on!!

    {PS I have those Nike flip flops too (yes I noticed them when you directed me to your bloody toes!) Aren't they the MOST comfy flip flops ever? I painted my whole house in mine!}

  12. Oh my goodness, Suzy! So sorry! Well, at least it was your left hand and I am assuming you are right-handed?

  13. My gracious! I'm so sorry. I hope you are feeling better today!!

  14. Oh, Suzy! Not. Good. But thank heavens for Painkillers! Totally priceless shot there on the hospital gurney, girl...Only a blogger would do that (and I totally include myself).

    Peace out.

  15. Oh my! It's just another way to keep us reading.....did you need some new material? Feel better soon. Milk it for all its worth!

  16. OMG! I'm glad you are OK and still have all your fingers!

  17. Holy CRAP! I'm just glad it was just stitches and not like re-attaching or that even a bright side??? I'm so glad you're okay and that it didn't interfere with Hunger Games...that would be unacceptable (c:

  18. SUZY! I'm so sorry about your hand! I hope you're feeling better and those meds are work'n

  19. Oh my goodness! I'm so glad you're ok! DIY can get so dangerous some times :-)

    Oh and on a completely unrelated note, how did you like the Hunger Games?
