Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Pinterest Challenge and a Feature

I was hoping to share a Pinterest challenge with you today, but yesterday we decided to go on an impromptu getaway.  I brought my laptop, computer and camera with pictures of my project, but I forgot my camera cord to get the pics from the camera to computer.

I will be home later today and hopefully I'll get my Pinterest challenge post up then.

I recently "met" designer Lori May through our mutual blog friend Holly of West Pear Avenue.  Lori was recently featured on West Elm's blog, Front & Main, for this sitting area in a loft she designed.

Lori is featuring my daughter Mary's pink and orange room today on her blog.  Thank Lori!  Please stop by and say "hi" to Lori if you have a chance.

Hopefully, I will be back later with my Pinterest challenge.


  1. have fun today! and congrats on the feature! well deserved!

  2. Woo hoo! Nice feature! :) Enjoy your getaway....we can wait for pics. The weather is too gorgeous to be on the computer.

  3. congrats on the feature, suzy!! I love that little corner - that is exactly the look I"m going for with my stenciled curtains! it totally motivates me to see that photo!

  4. Ah, I'm so glad you and Lori found each other! Gosh I love the blogosphere and that you can make connections like that. Isn't Lori's Nashville project beautiful? So glad to see you featured over there! Hope you enjoy the time off with the girls!
