Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Color My World Challenge!

I'm so excited that today marks the kick-off of the Color My World Challenge!  This challenge was dreamed up by Jessamie of Bird and Branch Redesign.
A group of bloggers has taken the challenge to introduce a new color into our homes.  This series will be running for the next four Tuesdays.  We'll be using our new color in decor, paint, and fabric.  The final week will be a wrap up and a HUGE blog hop where you can link up a post showing how YOU added a new color to your home too.  I really hope some of you will take the challenge and link up on May 1st...mark your calendar now.

It was a little hard for me to choose a color.  I already have tooo so many colors in my home and was wanting to go a bit more neutral.  But, I kept coming back to NAVY.

My favorite living rooms feature not just navy, but navy paired with pink.

Source: bit.ly via Suzanne on Pinterest

Or navy and coral:

Even my favorite princess is drawn to navy and coral!

What looks better with navy than some warm gold and crisp white?

I hope you'll follow along over the next few weeks as I incorporate navy (and maybe even some pink, coral, and/or gold!) into my living room.

Some of my absolute favorite bloggers are also participating in the challenge.  Stop by and see what colors they are adding to their homes.  This challenge should be fun!
Ange - The Blooming Hydrangea
Anna - A Newfound Treasure
Carmel - Our 5th House
Cassie - Primitive and Proper
Jadyn - Dutch.British.Love
Jessamie - Bird and Branch Redesign
Julia - Black Tag Diaries
Julia - Pawley's Island Posh
Kristy - Hyphen Interiors
Lisa - Shine Your Light
Lisa - Trapped in North Jersey
Maury - Life on Mars
Shaunna - Perfectly Imperfect
Shelley - Crazy Wonderful
Suzy - Saved by Suzy
Tiffany - Living Savvy
Tiffany - Worthwhile Domicile
Vashti & Jamie - Like me Some...


  1. i love navy! i didn't really use it at all before we moved, but now i have it in my guest room and it might be making an appearance in my living room, too. :) can't wait to see what you do with it!

  2. Navy is going to be GORGEOUS! Can wait to see what you do with it, and the secondary color you use :) Thanks again for letting me be a part of this challenge!

  3. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE navy with a crispy white and pink or coral. Can't wait to see how you incorporate it into your living room Suzy!

  4. Loving navy too. Can't wait to watch this challenge.

  5. Yay for Navy! Our rooms would make a good pair once they're done! So excited about this challenge!

  6. I love this color combination. Looking forward to seeing you use it!

  7. I think navy IS a neutral! It is just like the dark punctuation in the room! Contrasts the bright colors, but balances them out too! So fun... can't wait to see your choices!

  8. Love your inspiration (I mean really who wouldn't love anything that Kate Middleton does???). I can't wait to see how you incorporate navy. My vote is for the navy and coral combo!

  9. So fun! Can't wait to see what you all do. And I'm all over Navy too. I think that's going to be the main color in my living room.

  10. Love this! You girls are on a mission to something great.Your space is going to ROCK!

  11. I just put my navy post up! Love those inspiration photos. I have no idea of what exactly I'm going to do - but isn't that the fun of it?! Can't wait to see what you do!

  12. Navy is such a classy color! I can't wait to see what you do! Color is AWESOME...

  13. Looks great ! boy, you are in several challenges! hope they overlap and youre not going crazy!
    Best of luck, can't wait!

  14. The navy on its own is gorgeous, but when you pair it with the pink or coral it's beyond amazing. Can't wait to see what you do.

  15. Oooh! I love navy and pink! Can't wait to see what all of you guys do!

  16. Oh I lOVE navy with coral and gold, um, wait that's my master bedroom! HA! You are going to rock this out girl, can't wait! Thank you so much for including me in this awesome idea! Looking forward to next week when the kids are back in school and I can actually get back to blog reading again!

  17. I love pink and navy! I have coral and navy in my bedroom, and the kids' bathroom is pink, orange and navy. Its a great combo. Looking forward to seeing what you do with it!

  18. I love the idea behind this challenge and look forward to seeing how you incorporate it Suzy - so many options!

  19. I love navy and your inspiration is beautiful! Love Kate's outfit! Can't wait to see what you do!
