Friday, April 20, 2012

Suzy's House Party - What's going on?

Have you missed my House Party the last few weeks?  I have really missed hosting the party.

Unfortunately, I think I have to give up the party for a little while.  I  know we are all busy, but for some reason right now I feel like I'm not doing a good job handling everything.  I've been laying in bed awake all night feeling like I have a huge weight on my chest.  I think it's stress.  The stress is from doing a million things and not doing any of them well right now.  Being somewhat of a perfectionist, it's hard for me to handle when I don't do things as well as I should.  These things include being a wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, blogger, attorney, DIY-er, volunteer...etc.  I know you all do all of these things and more too!

Something has to give.  I obviously can't, and more importantly don't want, to stop being a mother and wife.  I also like my "real" job and blogging.  Hosting the party was lower down on my list of priorities, so it's the thing that has to go.

This has become our family motto recently:

I say this to my kids a lot, especially when they conquer or achieve something they didn't think they could do.  Rather than this being a venting post about my hard, busy life, I need to remind myself that I know we can all do hard things.  We're faced with them everyday, but by perservering and continuing to try, we can overcome in the end.

Here are a few other inspirational favorites:

Happy Friday friends!!!


  1. Good for you for making your life balanced and knowing when you have to make changes! The party is a lot of work I'm sure and we all want you to have enough time for home projects that you share with us!!! :)
    Have a great weekend my friend. Breathe!

  2. What a great inspiration! I feel those same stresses often and its good to know that others feel the same way. Stay strong, you are doing a great job!

  3. You've got to feel so much better taking that load off! And good for you for knowing your priorities and giving yourself a break :)

  4. Oh Suzy we understand :) sometimes we need a breather. I enjoy visiting your blog and I will keep coming by. Make sure you read my post today I am also feeling like I need to relax a bit.

  5. It is hard to make that choice, but it is always good to get things off you plate so you can focus on more important things!

  6. I'm jumping up and reaching for the sky after reading this post!

  7. I'm so proud of you! It's so hard to be balanced with this "hobby" that easily becomes a full-time job.

  8. balance is so hard to achieve! you do what you need to do- we'll all be here no matter what!

  9. I agree with Cassie - you do what you need to do. We'll all still be here. I'm sure you've noticed I've cut back to 3 days a week and even that at times is a struggle, but I'm not going away completely just cutting back to try to achieve that balance we're all trying to figure out. Good for you - proud of you my friend. Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Stress is not good and no amount of yoga or wine will make it go away so if letting something go makes the most sense, then so be it. Good for you making the hard decisions. Party or not, I'll still be visiting to see what you are up to!

  11. I've loved your link parties. I completely understand though. Good on you for making the hard choices and focusing on your family xx

  12. Wise choice my friend! You take a breather and if it becomes that you don't host the party, we'll be ok. We will miss it but totally understand! I have been feeling that way too lately.
