Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy 1st Blogiversary!

It's hard to believe that I started this little hobby a year ago. I don't know what I expected when I started Saved by Suzy.

Did I expect that I would make friends from all around the country? 

Did I know that I would end up redecorating my whole house?

Did I expect that almost three hundred people would tune in to see what I had to share?

Did I know that I would become a garage sale and thrift store addict?

I never expected any of this, but I'm so happy I'm here!!!  More importantly, I'm glad you're here.  If wasn't for all of the sweet, funny, kind, and heartfelt comments, I probably would have thrown in the towel months ago. 

In an effort to better connect with everyone, I want to start publishing more things on my Saved by Suzy Facebook page.  If I have a little comment to share or maybe an article or blog post that I think you might like, I'll be putting these things on Facebook. 

You can find me on Facebook here.

Thanks for sticking around!


  1. Congratulations! And you have been a source of encouragement to all of us to get moving as well!!

  2. So glad you are here Suzy! Love popping in each day to see what you are up to! You have accomplished a great deal in the past year and most importantly, you have obviously enjoyed the ride. So here's to (I'm raising my glass here, then clinking with yours)the road ahead and years to come! Congrats!

  3. It's been a year since our blog friendship began, I'll drink to that" here's to another year Suzy :)

  4. Can you believe it's been a year? Hard to believe! I missed mine (5/1) so I've been working on a post. Congrats my friend - it's been so much fun!

  5. YAY! congrats! it's 8:30 am here and i want a cupcake!

  6. Congrats, Suzy! We're all lucky to have your encouragement and inspiration in the blogosphere!

  7. Parabéns e muitas peças bonitas em sua vida e blog.Você tem sido culpada por tantas tintas e pincéis aqui em casa,obrigada,e também por tanta saudade das tias com tantas peças que eu amorosamente ganhei,1 mesa e 6 cadeiras de madeira,uma cômoda e um armário de cozinha que aqui no Brasil chamamos de GUARDA-COMIDA,lindo e enorme.Muito obrigada por compartilhar e nos ensinar,eu estou no amor por fazer coisas que nem pensava que seria capaz.Um abraço bem abraçado e Deus te abençoe.

  8. Yay! Congrats and Happy Blogiversary. I'm so thankful that you started blogging and that we "met"!

  9. I can't believe you've only been doing this a year. You're so good at it! Happy Blogiversary and looking forward to more posts.

  10. Congrats on all your accomplishments with the blog! It's great and so are you!

  11. Suzy, I am SO glad you started blogging and we connected over the past year! I love all your creative projects and am so glad for your friendship - best wishes for another fun year of blogging!

  12. Yay for the blogiversary! I'm so glad you started in on this great community, too, your hilarious comments have brightened my day more than once (c; Here's to many, many more great blog years!

  13. happy blogiversary! I enjoy reading your blog :-)

  14. Congratulations! Here's to another year!! Wishing you a grand day. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

  15. Yay!!! Happy Blogiversary Suzy! I'm glad you never threw in the towel :)

  16. You just made me realize that I am a few weeks away from the same! Congratulations, Suzy, and well done! It has been so nice "getting to know you" this past year and look forward to more from your blog.

  17. Happy Blogiversary! Sorry I'm a day late, seems to be the case most of the time lately, I can't keep up anymore. So glad to have our bloggy friendship! Hopefully we are meeting in person this summer. :)
