Saturday, May 12, 2012

I Did It!

Sorry for the little hiatus in blog posting last week.  I have been busy with work and all of the end-of-school stuff with the girls.  I have been feeling very stressed!!!

I ran a half-marathon this morning and now I feel like I can conquer anything (as long as it doesn't require any more running!) that comes my way.

The half-marathon was in Palisade, Colorado and the course was breathtaking!  Even though I only live about half-an-hour from Palisade, I rarely go there.  The main street has a bunch of cute galleries and cafes.   Palisade is also known for its peaches and grapes.   The race followed the Colorado river and then wound through the orchards and vineyards. 

I've run a bunch of half marathons and this was definitely one of the toughest and slowest ones I've run! The course was much hillier than I expected. Becuase I haven't been running as much as usual,  I wasn't expecting to get a personal best record. My only goal was to finish under to hours and I did...just hour and 59 minutes.


  1. Holy cow, what an accomplishment Suzy!!! That is so awesome! Congratulations :)

  2. DANG GIRL! That is totally awesome! I'm still working up the courage to run my *first* half (c: Maybe I should do that one next year? It looks spectacular!

  3. You go girl! Congrats on an incredible accomplishment and Happy Mother's Day!

  4. Congratulations! Good job! What an accomplishment! I've always thought about running a marathon. I may have to try it!

  5. Congrats! I am the slowest runner ever, but what hey it's getting out there that counts. Great job.

  6. Holy cow! I can't believe you ran 13 miles in 2 hours. That's just craziness. You're amazing!

  7. GOOD FOR YOU, crazy lady! Seriously, that's amazing! And happy (late) mother's day!!!

  8. 13 in 2 HOURS? what the...?? are you getting YOUNGER while the rest of us deal with aches and jiggle??

