Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day to a Few Good Men

This morning I was listening to an interview with Sargent Shriver's son, Mark, who has just written a memoir titled, "A Good Man."  Sargent Shriver married in to the Kennedy clan, but more importantly, founded institutions such as the Peace Corps, Special Olympics and was the architect of President Johnson's War on Poverty.  When Shriver died in 2011, tributes came pouring in hailing him as "a good man."

According to Mark Shriver, a "great" man is someone who wields lots of power and influence;  while a "good" man is someone who is kind and treats people well, whether they are in the spotlight or not.  A good man is just as friendly to a waitress as he is to heads of state.  He treats his wife and family well.  He stands up for what he believes.  He loves unconditionally.  Mark recounts a story of falling down and crying as a child.  A Kennedy uncle reproached Mark, saying, "Kennedy's don't cry."  Sarge scooped up his sobbing son and said, "It's OK.  You're a Shriver.  You can cry."

This made me think of the good men in my life.  I am fortunate to have been raised by a good man and married to a good man.  While my dad and husband may be very different in some ways, they are alike in the ways that matter.  My dad is a quiet, intellectual type.  He is very even-keel, never getting very angry or upset.  My husband is the life of the party.  He loves to talk and can get very excited about things that are important to him.

Here we were on a river boat ride on the Mississippi with my parents.

PopPop is never to busy to read Mary a story.

Andy is always ready to celebrate with the kids.

On the gondola in Breckenridge, on our annual family vacation.

Serious PopPop can get silly with his granddaughters.

Andy always likes to ensure a fun time for the girls.  Here we were camping last summer.


My dad and husband are two of the nicest people you will ever meet.  Have you heard this quote?

Source: via Suzanne on Pinterest

This describes both of them perfectly.  They both love their families unconditionally and would do anything for them.  They are good examples to my children.  They are generous and bring out the best in people.  They stand up for what is important to them.  Although they both have had busy lives and careers, they are never to busy for family.  Their faith is also important to them.

My father-in-law was ill and died shortly after we were married, so I didn't have a chance to know him well.  However, I know that he was a good man as well.  He came from a dirt poor background in Alabama to become a well-respected and liked lobbyist in Washington, DC.  He overcame many adversities, but was always a good person.  Most importantly, he was a wonderful father to my husband and his three siblings.  He loved his wife deeply as well.  I'm so glad that my husband blogs about his father at "Dumb Dumb Daddy-O" so I can get to know him better.
That's my father and mother-in-law on the right.  My husband is in the green shirt.  His sister Carol and her husband Brent are on the left and my brother-in-law J is in the stripes.

Wishing both my husband and my dad a very happy Father's Day!  I love you both so much and am so lucky to have both of you in my life.


  1. What a sweet post! You're so blessed to have such great men in your life. Hope you have a great day celebrating!

  2. Lucky you, both your Dad and husband sound like terrific guys, a great example and a great choice!

  3. This is such a super sweet tribute to some amazing men in your life...isn't it great to have those guys around??? I love that your hubbs has a blog about his dad, that is such a great idea!

  4. That is truly what life is about. Enjoy making the are blessed.
