Friday, November 4, 2011

The Thankful Tree

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.  To me, it's all about spending time with friends and family, reflecting on the year, and food.  It doesn't carry the stress associated with Christmas or the copious amounts of parties, candy, and costumes of Halloween.  It's simple and that's what I like about it.

One of our traditions is to put up a "thankful tree."  It's not pretty or fancy.  It's just made out of brown paper bags from the grocery store taped up to a wall in the dining room.

Next to the tree is a bowl with precut leaves, tape, and a pen.  In the days leading up to Thanksgiving, we all grab leaves out of the bowl, write something we are thankful for, and tape it to the tree.  If we have guests over, we ask them if they want to add something to the tree too.

On Thanksgiving, usually after we've eaten, we read all of the things that we've put on the tree.

Here are some of the things that have made it on the tree in these first few days of November:

What are some of your favorite traditions?


  1. I love this tradition. What a great way to teach your kids how to be thankful for small things! I completely agree with you about Thanksgiving!

  2. This a great idea! Way to go on teaching your kids great values!...I am always telling my older boys,"stop complaining about what you do not have be happy with what do have"! Maybe if I had done a "thankful tree" my kids would have learned to be more thankful! Thanks for sharing!

  3. A great idea for your little ones! And how cute and festive in the corner of your dining room!

  4. I love Thanksgiving too Suzy - it's the best. Lots of family time, food, and no stress. This is a really great idea. We do something at my mother-in-law's that is similar.

  5. We are going to steal this idea. I love it! I have to admit, I am also thankful for candy... especially this time of year when it is abundant!

  6. I think this is a great way to remember the true reason we celebrate Thanksgiving!
