Sunday, December 4, 2011

Gingerbread Houses and Christmas Traditions

I hope you are not groaning, "Oh, no...not another Christmas post!"  If you are, I apologize, but, yes, it's another Christmas post and there will probably be a few more before the month is over.

December is dedicated to Christmas at my house.  It seems like regular activity ceases and everything is focused on Christmas, thus the blog will by Christmas-y too.  But don't despair, January will bring a return to furniture before-and-afters and projects around the home.

One of our Christmas traditions is to make a gingerbread house.  It's nothing fancy.  We just use a gingerbread kit and some candies as we listen to holiday music.  The house is displayed on our dining room table.  Every year as we near Christmas, I notice that the gingerbread house has "lost" most of its candy (into hungry little mouths, presumably).

This year was not especially full of good cheer (or good decorating), as each child had different decorating ideas.  Next year, I think I will give each kiddo their very own "gingerbread" house made out of graham crackers to decorate in hopes that there will be less fighting and more cutesy fun.  Here's what I'm envisioning:

The picture above is actually from a gingerbread house party.  Wouldn't that be so fun?

Just to get your creative juices flowing, here are some other gingerbread creations that I found particularly charming.  Note to self: have kids look at some inspiration pictures before slapping candy on house willy-nilly.

Source: via Ilze on Pinterest

How cute is this mini-house?  What a perfect treat to go along with some hot chocolate.

What are some of your holiday traditions that you look forward to each year?


  1. every year I build gingerbread houses with the kids and every year I think to myself "why on earth do I keep doing this?" I also think "next year I should build the house ahead of time while children are sleeping" so they just decorate it, but no, I am a forgetful glutton for punishment.

  2. We have done gingerbread houses before and I need to do it again! Baking the gingerbread men cookies has become one of our favorites...Not to mention driving through every neighborhood we can looking at lights. I love finding out what traditions everyone else has too! Thanks for sharing!

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  4. Wow- I have not seen these houses before..quite amazing! We used to decorate the odd gingerbread but I prefer making just the g'bread - an amazing recipe from my mum which she made often in London. We make cookies, rugelach, etc. It has been so busy and my baking schedule has been re-worked a couple of times already.

  5. Oh my gosh, the little house sitting on the mug is adorable!! I used to make a gingerbread house when I was younger so I can't wait to start this tradition with Sheila in a year or two. I thought that gingerbread party photo was your house and I was really impressed at how organized everything was - b/c it really could have been your house - but a really great idea for a party I'll have to keep that in mind, how fun! And I love Christmas so I don't mind more Christmas posts. I just know I won't be doing too much DIY stuff so those posts I breeze through sometimes.

  6. I love that you all did a gingerbread house together! We always do little graham cracker houses...they are fun and easy, I'm definitely not a baker, so cutting out the gingerbread is fine with me! (c: We need to get it in gear, we haven't done them yet! I have been gathering gingerbread inspiration on pinterest...I don't really know why, I'm pretty sure I just really like gingerbread houses (c:

  7. I've been MIA from the blog world, but I am back in action! Hope all is well! The gingerbread houses are a tradition in my family too! Seriously have made them for as long as I can remember. (It is mandatory in our family - with all of the grandkids) When I was in High School and College I hated it, but now I love it! It will be something your kids always remember!

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  9. Oh! It looks yummy! It’s actually a good idea to make it on Christmas. I have already started looking for venues in Chicago for the Christmas party. I am sure everybody loves gingerbread and candies. Thanks for sharing this post here.
