Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Top Posts of 2011 and Link Party Announcement

As you know, I hold a link party every Thursday.  People usually link up projects they have been working on.  However, I doubt many of us have been creating anything new this week.  If you have, kudos to you!  So for this week's party, I would like it to be a holiday open house where we are able to meet some new bloggers.  Link up your favorite post from the year; write a new post introducing yourself; share your most popular post; etc.  Feel free to link something that best represents you and your blog.    It doesn't have to be a project! But, if you have a new project, feel free to link that too.  I'm looking forward to this party on Thursday.

I like this time of year.  The Christmas madness has passed and now I'm able to relax and reflect on the past year.  I'm also enjoying spending time at home with my family and not having to be anywhere or do anything that we don't want to do.  Such a nice change from the normally frantic pace of life.

I wanted to share my three most popular posts from the past year with you.

#3:  Coffee Table Makeover
This was my personal favorite as well.  This table is still in my family room and it just gets better with age and the more beaten-up it gets.  Love it.

#2 Buffet Makeover
This $10 buffet makeover was one of my first projects.  I like the gold greek key detail, which was my husband's idea.

This post was the most popular by a landslide.  Unfortunately, I don't think the content is what attracted viewers.  The post was titled "How to Strip," and I think this might have caught the eye of some "unseemly sorts."  Readers might have been looking for a different sort of tutorial...one not involving wood and various chemicals!

I hope many of you are enjoying some relaxation and quiet time this week!  Remember to stop by on Thursday to join the link party and to get to know some new bloggers!

Linked here:
Home Stories of A to Z


  1. Still giggling about "How to strip"...AWESOME. But I'm pretty sure that if someone was to go back through my internet search history, I would probably be embarrassed. (c: Cool link party idea!

  2. You're funny! And I agree with you about really enjoying this down time. It's nice to reflect on the year and create goals and a to-do list for next year. I don't if it's blogging or what, but I feel so much more in tune with my goals and wants for the upcoming year. And I'm really excited for your link-up party this Thursday - a great idea and I think I know what post I might link. Thanks for a fun year Suzy - it's been great!! Enjoy your family time.

  3. sounds like fun! i just wrote a post that is going up tomorrow. actually two- one is my top 10 furniture projects and the other just my top 10 home projects. it was fun to look back on the year.
    and i don't think jokes about stripping ever get old for me
    and i feel like that sideboard has memories for me of when we first really chatted and met! :)

  4. Oh, think I may need to read that "how to strip" post in 2012 ... Love your projects!
