Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pink and Orange Fabrics

I've been looking for fabrics for pillows for my daughter's room.  As you might remember, her room is orange and pink.    Here are a few of my favorites:

I absolutely adore these ballerinas.  Alas, the three-year old will have nothing to do with this fabric.

She was more into the dogs:

And robots:

Here are some other fun options:

While I really wanted to use fabrics that combine both pink and orange, my friend Holly had the great idea of using contrasting piping.  Sewing piping is definitely beyond my seamstress capabilities, so I stopped in at a seasmstress yesterday and asked her how much she would charge to sew pillow covers with piping.  We have used her to tailor my husband's suits in the past, so we know she is very reasonable, but I almost died when she told me the price: $3 for a 16x16 pillow and $5 for a 20x20?!??!  That includes the cost of sewing and adding the piping.  Looks like I might be having a few more pillows sewn!

I pinned these fabrics from fabric.com onto Pinterest.  However, when I went back to find the actual fabric on fabric.com, the Pinterest link took me to the fabric.com homepage.  If you want to know the names of any of the fabric, just let me know and I will try to find it for you.


  1. I don't know why, but I think those robots are sooo cute! I was thinking about eventually doing a pink/orange room for my daughter as well (though I'm constantly changing my mind). I had bought a sample of this fabric which is very pretty. It looks better in person than on the computer.

  2. Suzy, I can't believe those prices! How can that be?! I see a pillow-palooza happening at your place in the near future! Loving this color scheme by the way! That ballerina fabric is just too darn cute - and my girl would have vetoed it too!

  3. WHAT???!!! That is crazy - what a deal! I wonder if it would be cheaper to ship fabric to you and have your seamstress sew some pillows for me. I've gotta get on the ball and find one that I want to use, but I'm very encouraged by your info in this post. And thanks so much for the shout out. That's a nice round up of fabrics. I'm always partial to that chipper fabric but you have a lot of fun ones here to play with. I still can't get over that pricing.

  4. I love the wavy striped fabric and yes, contrast piping is a great idea. You could also use 2 different fabrics - one on each side.
