Monday, January 30, 2012

Remodelaholic Feature

Some of you  might remember that when I started this blog, my main source of content was furniture makeovers.  If it seems like it's been a LOOOOOONG time since I've done a furniture makeover, you're right!  Once the weather gets cold, I like to stay warm and snug in my house and don't like to venture out into the garage to work on a furniture project.  Garage sales are also my best source for furniture and I'll have to wait until the weather warms up for garage sale season to start again.

With the days getting just a little bit warmer and longer, I'm getting the itch to get back out there and paint something.  I was even browsing Craig's List to see if there was anything worthwhile out there (there wasn't, unfortunately).

I have this pretty piece in the garage.

After being removed from the clutter that has piled up around her, all she needs is some glazing and her hardware put back on and she'll be ready to go.  Poor old girl has been sitting in this half-finished state since maybe September!

I got an email this weekend from Remodelaholic, you know the big blog that features all kinds of amazing room and furniture remodels???  Remodelaholic is featuring one of my little pieces on their website today.  It's been so long since I've done any furniture, that I was a little surprised, but deliriously happy as well.  It's a good feeling to know that somebody out there likes and appreciates what we do on our blogs.

Stop by Remodelaholic to see what piece they are featuring of mine.  It's an oldie, but a goodie.  It was destined for sale, but has ended up in my living room as the perfect storage place for craft and art supplies.

And, I have another furniture makeover that I'll show you on Wednesday as part of the One Room Challenge.  It's bright ORANGE!


  1. Congrats on the feature! I haven't done any furniture lately either - for that same reason! The garage is too cold!

  2. Congratulations! That must feel so amazing to have all of your hard work recognized. I'm going over to remodelaholic to check it out.

  3. Ok, just checked it out and I LOVE it. I left a comment there too. How do you keep from getting too many brushstrokes in the finish? I have bought a few pieces of furniture for my house that I'll eventually get around to painting but I've never painted furniture before.

  4. Love the yellow dresser Suzy, so I am excited to see what is in store for this piece... Congrats on the feature!

  5. Will hop on over to see the featured project and I am excited to see the orange piece !!

  6. That's so exciting Suzy!! Congrats on the big feature!
