Wednesday, February 29, 2012

More New Paint and It's a Small World!

Cassie at Primitive and Proper recently introduced me to a new blog, The Blooming Hydrangea.  She thought I would like it because Ange at the Blooming Hydrangea and I have a similar style.  In the last few weeks, Ange and I have bonded over our love of our goldendoodle puppies among other things.

Speaking of puppies, mine has chewed up not one, but TWO vacuum cords in the past few days!  Vacuums are a necessity in a house with two giant dogs!

Anyways, Ange and I were having an email exchange last night and she said that she wasn't at the computer most of the day because she was painting her living room Gray Owl by Benjamin Moore.  Well, guess what I was doing most of the day yesterday?  Painting my living room Gray Owl!  I guess Cassie had it right when she thought Ange and I had similar decorating styles!

Here are some pictures of my new living room color.

 As you can see, I'm still waiting for *someone* to help me with the extra-high areas.

I'm waiting for that *someone* to help me move the piano as well.

 At least this gives you an idea of the color I started with.  Yes, those are the paintings I bought at an estate sale over two weeks ago...still just sitting out.

More areas my barely 5'2" self can't reach.  I think we're going to have to pull out the giant extension ladder.

I don't like how the TV stand blends into the wall.  I also can't stand that niche.  I never know what to do up there.  In fact, it still has the painting wrapped in wrapping paper from Christmas.  You know how one thing leads to another....  Now, I'm thinking about all kinds of new projects for the living room, starting with painting that buffet.  More on that later.  I'm off to take care of two sick kiddos.

Oh and by the way, I'm all ears if you have any ideas for me! You are always so helpful and have great ideas.


  1. Ah, thanks for mentioning me in your blog today! We need to thank Cassie for introducing us. It's looking great and I love the painted piano! Sorry to hear about the vacuum cords, Ruby does love her cords too but now she's switched over to underwear and pencils. Good luck getting the high places, maybe you need a safety harness and some netting...unless you aren't afraid of heights like me. ;)

  2. Have I mentioned that I love your house? All the little nooks and those drool worthy ceilings. Beautiful. I love the new color!

    I think I need to check out The Blooming Hydrangea. she sounds like my kinda girl!

  3. i am so happy you guys have met! :) i should start a blog matchmaking business! :)
    and loooove the gray owl as i already told ange on her post today, too! :)

  4. I love the color (and that painting over the fireplace...fabulous!) I've got nothing on the niche though:(

  5. The gray looks great! Sorry to hear about the dogs eatting the cords :( That just plain sucks!

  6. Suzy, I LOVE the gray owl paint color - it looks awesome in your living room! Really makes a world of difference! About the nook, would you consider painting the back of the nook a darker color? Would you ever consider putting the TV in the top of the nook (if it would fit) or do you need it down below for viewing? If you move it to the top you could really take advantage of the bottom for storage and then that would also solve the problem of what to do with the top. I'm not sure if you'd want to put any more $$ out but I wonder if you could get doors made for the top that you could open and shut at your leisure and make it a cabinet. I'm just spitting ideas out, don't mind me ;) I'll email you if I think of anything else. And bonding through blogging is the best - so glad a new friendship was formed!

  7. This always makes me feel so good. I love seeing people live like I do. The only difference is that I work alone, or call a pro. My husband has no interest or talent. As for the nook, not knowing your place well enough....would you consider squaring it off? I don't know your drywall/framing skills. If it were square, you could add doors easily...or put a ready-to-assemble cabinet in it. Can't wait to see what you decide.

  8. I am impressed that you got so much done yourself - the color is great and will be a wonderful canvas for all the amazing artwork, the piano and so on. Those high ceilings require additional tools and manpower, unfortunately.
