Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Suzy's House Party

I might get the House Party up late this Thursday or I might skip it this week (for the first time ever!) and resume next week.  I've spent the night at the hospital with my oldest daughter.  She has pneumonia.  This mixed with her asthma is NOT a good combination.  She's already missed a week of school and it looks like she'll be home for awhile longer.  I feel so badly for her.  I'm also hoping that the rest of us can stay healthy.  Of course the hubs is out of town for work.  (Doesn't it always seem like they are out of town when disaster it a sick child, flat tire, or broken garbage disposal??)

If my blogging is sparse, know that it's because pneumonia has struck like a man girl eating shark!


  1. Oh no! I hope your daughter recovers soon.

  2. Give her lots of hugs and love....and while you are at it give yourself a hug, sounds like a rough week! Hope things turn the corner soon....

  3. Oh no :( I COMPLETELY understand the mix of asthma and anything chest related. I feel for her, and you! Will be praying she gets better fast, and that it completely misses the rest of you :)

  4. Oh no! I'm really sorry to hear about that and I hope you are both home now and able to relax a little and get better. And of all times when the hubby is away. Thinking about you guys and hope she gets better soon.

  5. Uggh! My heart goes out to you- my daughter has asthma and had pneumonia two years ago...worst two weeks of my life...thankfully we all recovered although after her hospital stay, you will need a spa visit for sure! One idea for that niche...why not stencil the back wall...that will give you some contrast from the tv stand and will be like a little surprise once people notice it! Can't wait to see what you figure out!
    Joanne @Homestyling101

  6. oh no! i hope your daughter is well soon!!!!

  7. I hope she feels better soon. I hate having my baby sick. But I hope you also get some rest and stay well. I was going to suggest some texture up in that space. Maybe and thick woven basket with some knubby blankets drapping out. And add a stack of books and maybe a few spray painted *antlers*!!!

  8. I can imagine how tough this might be - my daughter has asthma and we had a hard time with her when she had bronchitis - hope your daughter recovers quickly!

  9. Oh Suzy!! So sorry to hear your girly is sick. Hope she feels better soon, hubs comes home soon and you get a rest soon! I can't believe you've been able to attack a painting project this week. Wish I could come over and help you!!

  10. Hugs and health to your daughter! I hope she starts feeling better soon!

  11. Oh no! Sorry to hear it Suzy! I hope she gets better soon so she can come home!

  12. Prayers going up for your little girl! You just take care of her and yourself.

    We'll be back to party when you're able to get back to your blog. :)


  13. Oh no - so sorry Suzy!
    I hope she's feeling much better soon. You too!

  14. Suzy, sorry about your daughter. I've been through that with one of mine. Sounds like you are doing all you can. Hope she makes a full recovery soon.
