Monday, February 6, 2012

Weekend in Review

Did you know Superbowl Sunday is second only to Thanksgiving in the number of calories consumed?  I did my part to up the average of calories consumed.  However, those calories were well deserved after a bunch of painting on Friday.

I painted by entryway Benjamin Moore Gray Owl at the beginning of January and wanted to carry that color through my living room, kitchen and back hallway.  I loved the Gray Owl in the entry.  It's a nice neutral gray, not too blue or bright.  Here's what it looks like:

However, as I covered more of the walls, the gray is taking on more of a bright blue look.  My daughter told me she likes the color because it makes her feel like she is outside under a blue sky.  My husband commented that it's "nice and bright."

I don't this is the look I was going for.  The problem is that I still have 2 gallons of this paint. Do I continue to press on?  Ugh!  I was so sure this paint was "the one" after painting the entry.  I like the gray/blue better than the dirty brown, so I will probably continue with the paint.

You can see the brown that I'm covering up in this picture.

In other news, look what we saw as we left our neighborhood to head to a Superbowl party:

Yes, that is a tightrope walker!  You don't see that every day?!?!  This reminds of the Modern Family episode where Phil decides to try tightrope walking.  Do you watch Modern Family?  I watch it online.  Phil is my favorite character and always makes me laugh with his quirky personality.


  1. I really like the color, at least in your pics.
    I would finish the job and then reevaluate. Maybe you could do a wash over the color in the main room, but leave it plain in the entry (braking at the fab columns)...I like it, excited to see what you do :)

  2. That is a beautiful color. It's close to what I was trying to get when I bought Benjamin Moore's "Intuition", which was a bit on the aqua side.

  3. 1) The paint does look more blue than gray.
    2) That being said, I like it a lot more than the tan. It looks cleaner, airier, and, honestly, younger and more modern. And it does look great with the surrounding pieces.

  4. I understand! Here is the most honest answer you will get. Live with it for a day or two more, if you still don't like it...chuck it! It is only paint and staring at walls that you don't love....will make you want to start a One Room Challenge :D

  5. Don't you hate that! It's amazing how the same color in one room will look totally different in another room with different light. I do like it better than the tan color. I think you should finish what you started. Sometimes seeing only part of it up with another color still on the walls makes it difficult to judge. Then if you still don't like it repaint it.

  6. The color looks amazing in the pictures! But like My CHL said, if it's buggin' you...try again! I painted the downstairs Moody Blue because the sample had a green undertone, but it just looks blue...Oh's grown on me and I don't want to paint anymore for a while! Sometimes, it is what it is, right?

  7. I think the color is really pretty and much better than the brown that is currently on there - I would keep going. It's so difficult to tell with lighting changes and everything but I think it looks really nice. And I love that mirror. Is that new? And a tight-rope walker?? That is nuts-o! We love Modern Family - Phil is my favorite as well.

  8. Suzy, I like the color but if it's bugging you, bring it into the paint store and have them cut the color a bit, or add white to it at home and make up a batch of a less blue gray! Do I make any sense! I've played with my paints and sometimes all it takes is less of the color. You could always try a small batch first and see if you like it!
    PS LOVE Modern Family - fave show!

  9. i like the new color i say go for it keep going

  10. Came across your blog from Room with a View. Totally digging that mirror. You have a great home.

  11. Love the color! Looks great! Is that a painted piano I spy in the background? I am coaching myself into painting my piano and I am scared? Did you post about it? I must read!!

  12. I like the color on the brightens up the space and the painted furniture looks very pretty against it. Tightrope walker - what a treat!
