Friday, March 2, 2012

Feature Friday: Bird and Branch Redesign in In the Navy

Thanks for all of your kind words and comments regarding my daughter's pneumonia.  In response to my post yesterday, the sweet Jessamie from Bird and Branch Redesign offered to step in and write a guest post for my blog so I wouldn't have to worry about blogging while my daughter is sick.  Just hours later, Jessamie emailed me this post.  The kindness of people like Jessamie and others in the blogosphere continues to impress me daily.  Be sure to stop by Bird and Branch Redesign and share the love.  Thank you!!!

Hey everybody!  I'm Jessamie from Bird & Branch Redesign.  I know Suzy's got a sick little babe, so I'm here to give an extra hand today!

With design and fashion always changing, I love trying to find that one color or signature piece that can be used a million different ways in a million different rooms.  For me, that color is navy.  

Navy is modern and trendy, but also classic and traditional.  

I also love how crisp it feels with pastels or neon.  It just pops, right?!

It adds depth to dainty rooms without being heavy.

And navy is warm with reds or golds.

After looking around my own home, and Pinterest, I am sure my staple is navy!

Thanks for having me, and I hope you're little one feels better soon, Suzy!


  1. I'm totally in love with navy right now. I'm already looking into where I can put it in my house. Great examples, and it was really nice of you to guest post:)

  2. I'm so happy to help anytime, Suzy! And thanks, Tiffany! I'm already in the process of redecorating our master bedroom, and you guessed it, it's navy!

  3. How sweet! And I too am on the navy bandwagon, thanks for sharing Jessamie!

  4. I'm loving this navy roundup! I have been looking to incorporate navy into our basement and love seeing these rooms. Suzy, hope your munchkin is feeling better today!

  5. Wow!
    Nice picture.You done the nice job.Specially the third is the best in all these.The red roses on the table makes it the unique look..Nice Home design the nice product.I wanted to thank you for this great post!! I enjoyed every little bit of it, I have you bookmarked and waiting for all the new stuff you post.
    Home Furniture

  6. Sick kiddos is the worst )c: But I'm loving the navy! My absolute favorite is navy with a bold pink...the BEST!

  7. I love these pictures. Navy is a stunning color in any design style. Jessaamie has done a great job pulling this together. Suzy, hope your kids are on the mend. I had missed a few posts this week..still catching up.

  8. Hi Suzy, so sorry to hear your daughter is sick!! I hope she's feeling much better soon. Jessamine did a fantastic job - LOVE these images!

  9. I hope you daughter will be on the mend soon Suzy!
    Love Jessamie's post, navy is one of my favorites too!
