Friday, April 27, 2012

Guest Posting at the Blooming Hydrangea

You can find me hanging out with my friend Ange at the Blooming Hydrangea today.  Stop by and say "hi" if you have a chance.

Do you have anything exciting in store for the weekend?

This crazy beast is getting her first haircut today.  I think we are going to have her shaved.  I will kind of miss her puppy shagginess, but she's already so hot that I know she will enjoy having a nice short coat for the summer.

There is a mountain bike festival going on in my town this weekend.  There are lots of fun events, such as bands and biking demonstrations that I'm sure we will check out.  On Saturday night, we are planning on biking to our favorite pizza joint which has a huge backyard patio.  A friend's band will be playing outside.  We're looking forward to a nice relaxing weekend! 

Oh, except that I have to run 12-13 miles tomorrow in preparation for my half-marathon in two weeks.  At least I'll be going with a good group of friends.  We usually end up talking and laughing most of the way.  So, the run is not too bad.  :)


  1. Love Ange's blog! I'm going to go check out your post right after this.

    I have a fun little girl together tonight and my best friend is going to announce if she's having a boy or girl, so that's fun. other than that my hubby will be glued to the TV for the draft this weekend, so I'm going to do some projects.

  2. I'm on my way Suzy:) Have a great wekend!

  3. You crazy woman, you! A half marathon??? That is so *AWESOME*! Good luck with the run, girl, and I couldn't pin that Kate Spade goodness fast enough, it's fantastic!!!

  4. Good luck with that running nonsense! I'm kidding...I'm just jealous. Heading over to Ange's right now
