Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Plus One Party

Have you ever wondered what your husband thought about various design styles and photos?  Jessamie over at Bird and Branch Redesign did a hilarious little experiment with her husband to determine this very thing.

She put together a bunch of photos and asked her husband to comment on them.  She's holding a link party on Thursday.  So grab your husband, put together a some photos, and see what your husband says.  Write up a post and link it to the party.

Here's how my little experiment turned out:

Love the blue pillows, funky lamps and baby jaguar benches! The carpet with the same pattern as the border you added to our drapes is really cool. My biggest concern is that just about every accent in this room is tail high and Ty and Emma could destroy this entire room with one pass. The flowers, lamps and those orange thingies wouldn't stand a chance. The unread piles of books may survive, but we have Mary to rearrange those anally organized, exactly the same height, alphabetically organized stacks of books. Is that cat art on the wall? Cat art. Dog art maybe. But not cat art.

I'm no world traveler but I'm feelin' it. Kinda Orient meets India and Africa with nuts. Turn off all the lights and light up those candles and I'm in. Can I have those purple crystal things for my nick nack shelf?

This is a man kitchen. Black and stainless I like. Ham and cheese omelet coming up! I love everything but the lamp. It's the kind of chandelier I would have to get used to banging my head on. Just give me several rows of ceiling cans and I'm good.

I love the silver cup lamps but that's about it, oh the column mantel looks pretty cool. I think that must be a self portrait of the person who decorated. Kind of woman masculine. The naked bronze guy makes me wonder what he's doing behind the roses.

Whoa. I'm a little speechless. Can you put ESPN on the little flat screen while I think about how I feel about this kitchen. It is a kitchen right?

Those guys we met at the piano bar in Vegas would love this room.

Source: via Suzanne on Pinterest
Have you seen my Oakleys? I think you can get a sun burn in this room.

Banging my head on this chandelier may be fatal. I could sit in those orange chairs and imagine that chandelier as the death star exploding or as a representation of the big bang or fireworks or a porcupine ready to strike or wait the floor is is pretty cool too. I'm not sure of the Charlie Brown pattern but the border tracing the walls is pretty awesome.

That is either a really realistic cat statue or that is the cat that destroyed the matching upholstered chairs for the table. The tennis ball on the floor makes me think there may be a dog around and he too may not know if this is a kitchen with a view of the living room or the other way around.


With that ceiling this could be the ultimate Jamie Frasier room instead you get Captain Jack's seceret alternate lifestyle den.

Love it! Sun room me please.

I really like this room. Is that the plant you've been searching for, but doesn't seem to exist anywhere in Colorado? I want one now too. (That would be the fiddle leaf fig tree that I'm obsessed with!) I love the whatever you call it around the border of the ceiling and the dark green. I would spend a lot of time reading under that tree.

Twenty Leagues Under the Sea? I'm not cool enough for this room. Shiny walls make me nervous and the round mirror, I don't know, unless there is a safe behind it or if it is a seceret entrence to the bat cave I like it.

I would be freaking out in this room or on this patio. The stripes are making me dizzy or is it the thought of banging my head on all three chandeliers that's doing it?
This was fun. I hope I didn't insult or offend any of your design BFFs and that you still love me.

Love always,
Big K

Thanks for participating in all of my design madness!  If you want to read more by Big K, aka Andy, check out his blog, Dumb Dumb Daddyo, where he reminiceses about his dad and his own experiences as a father.


  1. Love this. My husband responded the same way (charlie brown rug) on a picture that I had him comment on.

  2. Your hub is hilarious! I love all of his comments about the ceiling fixtures - sounds so much like my man! Super fun post - love this idea!

  3. your husband is hysterical! chris and i read this together since we did one, too- mine goes up tomorrow morning. i really enjoyed reading this!

  4. Great idea for a link party!

  5. This is such a good idea :) Maybe I will attend the party but I might use a few guys from work, my hubs isn't very descriptive. He always says if you like it I love it.

  6. Tooooo funny! I love the Charlie Brown comment - I hear that one too about chevron!

  7. Love this post! My favorite comment was "The naked bronze guy makes me wonder what he's doing behind the roses". haha!

  8. Bwah hahaha!!! Did he have a near death expense with a chandelier at some point in his life? :D

  9. Big K is a crack up, he had me laughing out loud! Too bad my hubby is out of town, this is a great party idea!

  10. His comments are hilarious! He seems pretty tuned in to what you're doing! I really enjoyed this.

  11. This is hilarious - I love it! I might have to try to participate. Your hubby is a hit!

  12. My side is hurting! All his comments are so freaking hilarious! And he's so detailed! His comments make my husband's look like a caveman grunting... LINK IT UP, BABY!

  13. Is your hubby really tall? he seems quite concerned with hitting his head on lights. Love the statue behind the fLowers comment. LoL!

  14. Wow!!! Super observant husband of the year award. I had to look for the tennis ball in that one picture, like where's waldo? So funny. I love his comments!

    I also love the fiddle leaf tree and haven't decided if there's a good place in my house for one.

  15. Oh that is way, too hilarious! I'm with him on the chandeliers, but i'm tall so I bang my head a lot!
