Tuesday, May 29, 2012



How to find it, is the question I've been thinking about lately.  The past year has brought a lot of changes in my life, from starting this blog to going back to work after being a full-time stay-at-home mom for seven years.  I'm so grateful that I have been able to be home with my kids, but I'm also thankful that I've been able to start working more and to contribute financially to my family.  I can do 90% of my job from home, which is a blessing.  Now that summer is here and the kids are home, though, I'm trying to figure out how to work from home and be a mom too.  I know that many of you are work-at-home moms too.  If you have any tips, on making this situation work, I'm all ears.

The coming year is going to bring more change as all three of my girls will be switching from our neighborhood public school to a private school across town in the fall.  While we have loved the public school, our school district is in a severe budget crisis.  This means large class sizes with no aides and things keep getting cut.

I think the new school will be great for them, but change can be tough (especially for one of my children).  I'm hoping the transition isn't too difficult for us.  With the added tuition expense, I think I might try to pick up some more work.

Please excuse my popping in and out of the blog world this summer as I try to figure this all out.  When I have something to share, I'll be here and I hope to continue to visit your blogs to see what you've been up to.  I have so much admiration for you moms out there who can do it all and you make it look effortless!

In other news, we had a great weekend in Aspen.  Here are a couple of my favorite pictures.


  1. I admire you so much for the decisions you're making! You will find a balance and it will all work out! :) The Apsen trip looked like so much fun!

  2. best of luck, suzy, with everything! change is always hard, but your kids will adjust. you all will- just give yourselves time! :) you know what you want for you and your family and that is what is most important.

  3. Lady, don't you dare think that anyone is actually doing and having it all--it's impossible. I hope you can sort through everything and come to a balance that's amenable to all parties including you!

  4. Change always stinks a little at first, but I believe things will all balance out well for you :)

  5. I can totally understand...sometimes my minds spins so fast trying to keep it all going, I can't even remember what I need to do next...haha! Balance.....I have decided it means being able recognize when you are "falling" and grabbing on to something important and "hanging on"...you are doing that!!! Hugs!

  6. You'll find a new rhythm! Enjoy the summer with your munchkins…we'll still be here to read whenever you blog!

  7. I've been hearing a lot of the same lately, blogging is so time consuming, I don't know how you all do it with a full-time job and family. Most importantly, enjoy your kiddos! :)

  8. I hope that one day I will have the wisdom to balance it all. You're amazing and I'm so inspired by your willingness to put your family first!

  9. Blogging has added so much to my life, but I also know that I can set aside when I need to - and as you have told me the great thing about the blogging community is that you've built friendships and connections and those peeps will always be reading and will always care. My husband and I have already started talking about the school decision as it's so critical - I admire your decision to switch your girls and do what is best for them. I'll be excited to hear how it goes for both the kids and for you and your hubby. We'll be here for you Suzy girl!

  10. I love your blog and will always check in ... but your family is the most important. Period. Don't worry about us, we will still be here to cheer you on!!

  11. you took the words right out of my mouth...or the question right out of my head! my blog is heading to the back burner as summer swoops in and kid-fun begins!

    best of luck with your search for balance. i think you already took the first step!

  12. I am sure we can learn a lot from you about work-family life balance. I have been in-and-out of blogging since end April due to a few illnesses, Confirmation, husband's big birthday and now end of elementary and middle school so major transitions. Family comes first as the years fly by and your time with your kids is precious and does wonders for them even if they may not communicate that with you particularly when so young. You seem to be in some sort of a good flow, figuring it out as you go along - everything eventually falls into place. Good luck, Suzy.

  13. I read this post last week and was up to my eyeballs in life and had no time to comment (how's that for balance?) So here I am, wishing you and your family all of the best with the changes you are embracing. These decisions sound well thought out and right and will be what you make them. Change is difficult but good in that it makes you realize you can do anything if you put your mind to it. Good luck to the girls in their new school this Fall. I'm guessing that you will jump right in too... that lucky school!

  14. Hi, I just found you by accident on google and guess why? I wrote a book called SAVED that just came out and MY name is Suzy Blake. So you can imagine my finding your blog was a rather happy accident! My book is a sci-fi/fantasy, 200 pages, and my reviews have been overwhelmingly great! I'm on Amazon if you are looking for a good read. The planet and humanity are both saved, a make-over that includes just about everything that is screwed up present day. I was a blogger long ago and when I run out of things to write books about, I'll probably take it up again. I wish you much good fortune and peace. It was a delight "meeting" you!
