Friday, May 25, 2012


I just sold this buffet to some buyers who found in on Craigslist.

In case you don't remember, I lovingly painted it with two coats of homemade chalk paint.  Then I sanded it, glazed it, and then rubbed two coats of wax on it.  After all of that, my arm was tired!

I thought it looked pretty good in its shabby chic vintage state.  I almost laughed when the buyer told me she was going to give it a nice coat of black paint as soon as she got home.

Oh well, to each his own.  At least it's sold!


  1. That is tooooo funny Suzy!!! I love it in it's current color but you are right - to each his own!
    Reminds me of when our last house was on the market for-EVER….I painted our chocolate brown bedroom walls off-white and then the house sold that weekend….then the new owner told me she wanted to paint the master bedroom - chocolate brown!!!!
    Oh well it was a good experience for you with the homemade chalk paint!
    Happy weekend friend!

  2. I actually kind of want to scream for you, too!!! GAH! But like you said, at least it sold! (c:

  3. i have had that happen before and although it makes me cringe, they get to do what the want once they buy it, right? it was once beautiful.... at least you know that!

  4. Oh no! You're kidding. Black seems a very heavy colour for this piece. I love what you did to it, but like you each her own!

  5. Haha! And aaaaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhhh!!! Too bad she didn't have the grace to just say she loved it and just not mention painting it! I am glad it sold though...

  6. My heart just dropped into my stomach...I can't believe she's going to paint over that beauty!!!

  7. That is practically criminal!!! but hilarious at the same time.

  8. That is ridiculously gorgeous!!! Love it! If that girl only knew....

    Thank you for your comment and I look forward to stalking your blog (in a non creepy way, promise). :)

    Xx. Patience

  9. It is exciting to have it sold, Suzy! It is a very pretty piece and I would have left it as is but I guess the buyer needs it black.
