Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Suzy's House Party #29 - Link Up!

Let's jump right into the features, shall we? This stenciled desk from Savvy Young Something is so pretty. She even made the stencil herself. How crafty!

If you follow along, you know that I'm taking part in the One Room Challenge, where a group of 15 bloggers are trying to redo one room in their home in six weeks.  Linda, from My Crafty Home Life, is the mastermind behind this endeavor.  She's in the midst of redecorating her dining room as party of the challenge and gave new life to this beautiful China hutch in the process.

I had to share these lamps from A Suite Revival for several reasons.  First, have you ever seen such a bizarre, slightly disturbing lamp?

Luckily, she saw potential in these weird lamps and gave them new life with some silver spray paint and new shades...simple changes that made a world of difference. I love glass lamps.  Do you?

 Party time!

Saved by Suzy
<div align="center"><a href="" title="Saved by Suzy"><img src="" alt="Saved by Suzy" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

•Link up your home decor project. Pretty much anything to do with you house is fine.

•Please provide a link back to my blog. A text link is fine, or feel free to grab my "Saved by Suzy" party button from the sidebar. The more people that know about the party and participate the better for all of us.

•Be sure to share the love and leave comments for others.

•That's it.


  1. Thanks for hosting Suzy! Great features!

  2. Thanks for featuring my crazy bear lamps!

    And "slightly disturbing" is a great way to describe those little guys.

  3. Thanks for featuring my hutch, Suzy! I linked up my chairs today. I am enjoying the One Room Challenge. So many talented ladies!

  4. No link from me, but I love all these afters!

  5. Fantastic features! Thanks for hosting,

  6. Thanks for hosting! I'm a new follower (not sure what took me so long)!


  7. Wow, I'm so flattered! Thank you so much for the feature!

  8. I just adore that hutch! Thanks for hosting Suzy!!

  9. Hey, Suzy! Cool, can't wait to click and check out some of these projects.

    The One Room Challenge sounds awesome!!! I gotta go back and read all your entries and see what everyone else is up to. Hmmm, maybe if I stopped getting sucked in for hours online I could actually accomplish something at my house;) Your daughter's room is looking so cute!

  10. Those lamps are insane! I died laughing. Okay, I wonder if the teddy bears got a makeover. Fun post. LOVE Linda's hutch!

  11. Really great post, Thank you for sharing This knowledge.Excellently written article, if only all bloggers offered the same level of content as you, the internet would be a much better place. Please keep it up!
