Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Color My World Challenge: Week 2

As you might remember, I'm participating in a challenge where a group of bloggers has been challenged to add a new color to our homes.  This week we're adding decor in our new colors.  I chose navy.

If you missed the kick-off to this challenge, you can click here to read all about it.  Remember that we're having a big link party/blog hop on the last day of the challenge where you can link up a post showing how you incorporated a new color into YOUR home.

I had picked up a brass lamp at the local Goodwill recently for $2.99.  The lamp came with this ratty old shade.

I had originally planned on just replacing the shade with a new drum-style shade and maybe embellishing it with some sort of trim.  But, then I remembered that I had some Waverly Cross Section fabric in navy left over from when I recovered an old corkboard.

Why not attempt to cover the lampshade in the fabric?  A quick trip to Pinterest and I found lots of tutorials on how to cover a lampshade.  Unfortunately, most of them only worked on a drum shade.

I ended up improvising this project and it really wasn't that hard.

1.   First I cut a piece of fabric that was a few inches larger than the shade. 

2.  Next, I sprayed spray adhesive on the shade in small sections.  I attached the fabric and smoothed out any bubbles or creases before moving on to the next section.

3.  I wanted to make a straight seam, but since the shade is angled, it worked better to make a diagonal seam.  I just folded the end of the fabric over several times and used hot glue to firmly tack it down.

4.  Finally, I folded the fabric down tightly around the top and bottom of the shade.  Again, I folded the fabric over twice so there aren't any unfinished edges and then glued it down.  This was the most difficult part.  Mainly because I kept burning myself with the glue gun.  Ugh!

In the background you can see a little sneak peak of my new wall color.

I originally planned to spray paint the lamp, maybe coral or white?  But, I like the way the brass looks against the navy blue in this inspiration photo:
Do you remember Jillian Harris from The Bachelor?  I didn't know she had her own blog, did you?  She bugged me on The Bachelor, but her blog is pretty cute.
Here's my new brass lamp against my navy wall.

What do you think of the brass?  Does it bring back bad flashbacks of the 80's?

I'm happy with it considering the entire project only cost me the $2.99 I spent on the lamp.  I had all of the other materials on hand from other projects.

Stop by the other Color My World challengers to see what they've been up to this week.
Ange - The Blooming Hydrangea
Anna - A Newfound Treasure
Carmel - Our 5th House
Cassie - Primitive and Proper
Jadyn - Dutch.British.Love
Jessamie - Bird and Branch Redesign
Julia - Black Tag Diaries
Julia - Pawley's Island Posh
Kristy - Hyphen Interiors
Lisa - Shine Your Light
Lisa - Trapped in North Jersey
Maury - Life on Mars
Shaunna - Perfectly Imperfect
Shelley - Crazy Wonderful
Suzy - Saved by Suzy
Tiffany - Living Savvy
Tiffany - Worthwhile Domicile
Vashti & Jamie - Like me Some...

Come back on Thursday where I'll reveal some more navy goodness as part of the Spring Into Action Challenge.  Is it cheating that I've rolled both challenges into one?  Wait, you really don't have to answer that one!


  1. love that fabric! I used the same pattern in the charcoal colorway for my living room drapes!

  2. Looks great! Love that fabric!

  3. Love the brass with that fabric! And, I'm liking what I'm seeing with the navy paint too!!!

  4. You did such an awesome job. I like the brass also. No 80's flashbacks.

  5. Looks great!! Love the fabric - it's one of my favs.

  6. ummm, LOVE it! And honestly, your tutorial sounds much easier than mine...ugh, but good for you! I can't wait to see that whole wall!

  7. that fabric and that lamp equal one happy union! LOVE it!

  8. Love the classic look of navy and brass together, so pretty!

  9. LOVING this lampshade! So cool and the wall color looks amazing!!!

  10. This looks amazing, Suzy! I do love the brass with the navy pattern. It looks modern and not 80s to me.

  11. Well done!! Looks awesome, maybe I shouldn't be so scurred to try this diy!!

  12. Brass and Navy together is a winning combination right now! Love the shade-- great job.

  13. Suzy, that looks great! I can't wait to see the whole room--the navy wall looks like its going to be fabulous.

    I have some of that fabric too, I've been debating using it on a valance over the sliding door. On the other hand, I also have two lamps with drum shades that I could use it on--you've inspired me to get moving on that.

  14. I love your brass lamp! It's perfect! Plus you know I want that fabric, I love it. Great job and the wall color looks yummy too.....can i come over and visit? :)

  15. Fabulous choice of fabric! Your lamp is perfect, I adore brass right now..... nothing 8o's about that.

  16. No 80's here girl, that lamp is ROCKIN'! I love the new shade! I used to avoid navy after it was one of the colors of my high school, but in the last little while, I've realize what an awesome color it is, *especially* paired with brass...awesome, ladybird!

  17. Suzy, your color challenge was actually the first one I read today and I got interrupted before I commented! Love that fabric to begin with, perfect on a lampshade. Isn't it funny how brass can take on a whole new look with the right color pairing? I adore the gold against the navy wall!! It's perfect!

  18. love how your lamp turned out!! and look at you... so brave with those navy walls!! can't wait to see it all pulled together!!

  19. Um.. yes it is cheating! But I won't tell anyone! HA! I LOVE the brass {seriously never thought I would say that!} but it does work with the navy! Great choice on the fabric too.. keeps the brass from looking dated!

  20. So glad I found you! I am now following! Come visit me!

  21. Bada bing bada boom!!!!!That's what I say :) Your lamp looks great.

  22. Stunning tutorial. I'm quite eager to include similar lamp shade in my collection! I've re-publish your blog link on my home decor blog. I hope you will love it.


  23. It looks GREAT! I also love the corkboard! What beautiful things we can create with leftovers ... and a challenge to get us motivated :)
