Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Color My World Week 4: Fabric

We are in the home stretch of the Color My World Challenge.  In case you need a little recap, here's what we've been up to in this challenge:

Week 1: Introduction and Color Choice
Week 2: Decor
Week 3:  Paint

This week we were challenged to bring our new color in via fabric.  Remember, next week (May 1st) we are having a blog hop/linky party extravaganza where you can link up a post showing how you brought a new color into your home. 

Back to the fabric.  Not wanting to sew anything, I kind of took the easy way out and ordered new chairs.

They have fabric on them...that's not cheating, right?  I actually ordered these chairs a few weeks ago from Target when they were having a buy one, get one 50% off sale.  I got both of these chairs, including shipping and tax, for about $180 total.  They remind me of the chairs pictured in this room that I like:

I was feeling guilty that I didn't DIY anything with fabric, so I whipped up this fabric-covered box too.

I used an old shoebox and some fabric scraps.  I would show you pictures of the process, but the pics are on my laptop, which is in the shop being repaired.

I basically followed this tutorial from Lori May Interiors.  I used Mod Podge and hot glue to adhere the fabric to the box...pretty simple.  I used a heavy weight, outdoor fabric, so the corners are not as crisp as I would like.  If you try this, I would recommend using a thinner, light weight fabric to reduce the bulk.

Stop by the other Color My World challengers to see how they used fabric this week and be sure to get YOUR posts ready to link up next week!

Ange - The Blooming Hydrangea
Anna - A Newfound Treasure
Carmel - Our 5th House
Cassie - Primitive and Proper
Jadyn - Dutch.British.Love
Jessamie - Bird and Branch Redesign
Julia - Black Tag Diaries
Julia - Pawley's Island Posh
Kristy - Hyphen Interiors
Lisa - Shine Your Light
Lisa - Trapped in North Jersey
Maury - Life on Mars
Shaunna - Perfectly Imperfect
Shelley - Crazy Wonderful
Suzy - Saved by Suzy
Tiffany - Living Savvy
Tiffany - Worthwhile Domicile
Vashti & Jamie - Like me Some...


  1. I love those chairs. I can't believe you got them at Target! I wish I had thought of buying something fabric since I didn't finish (start) my projects:(

  2. Screaming deal on the chairs Suzy, they are darling! And as you know, I am a fan of the pattern on your box. Funny what a little peer pressure gets a girl to do!!!!

  3. Killer deal! Those chairs are dead ringers for the ones in the mag. Awesome score.

  4. i might be a little jealous over here. i LOVE those chairs. love love love them.

  5. What the what?!?! What a steal on those chairs - they're GORGEOUS! I'd love to have them myself :)

  6. Fun chairs! I want to see where those go! Awesome deal! Way to go.

  7. I am dying to see them in your family room! I LOVE them... for $180!!! Deal! I would say those are the chairs in the mag!

  8. Beautiful chairs, Suzy!! I love the fabric and the shape!! How exciting - new furniture??? I'm dying. You know, considering my living room is like a dancehall right about now :) I need your beautiful new chairs!!

  9. This is an exciting challenge. Looks great, Suzy! Love those chairs.

  10. Ummmmmm.....talk about knock my freaking socks off with those chairs!!! They're incredible! Full room shot, PLEASE! love!

  11. Those chairs are awesome (and definitely not cheating). They dont just resemble your inspiration picture... they are practically dead ringers! That's awesome. and $180??? That's a steal.

  12. Hehehe, I love that you felt guilty about just ordering stuff (c: I would be feeling guilty *ALL THE TIME* if that were the case! ha! LOVE the chairs and the box, lady! It's looking fantastic over there (c:

  13. Those chairs are so beautiful & what a great deal! I like what you did with the box too!

  14. Your chairs are awesome Suzy!! Sometimes it's easier just to buy stuff! :) Love your box too - that's a good idea, I might have to borrow it! :)

  15. This was so much fun :) I can't wait to see the big reveal!

  16. the chairs rock--I have been considering that fabric for my playroom :-) (And I have the horse head too!)

  17. Oh I LOVE those chairs, what a great deal! Excited to see how it looks all put together next week. :) The box is cute too by the way with the horse head. I saw the horse head on clearance at Target for $11 but I was hoping it would go cheaper.

  18. I was just chatting about these chairs with a friend on Sunday. I just love them. I can't believe how cheap they were too! SCORE!
