Here's where we got married. The Aspen Chapel:
We had our amazing reception at the historic Hotel Jerome. Thanks Mom and Dad!
Here's where we stayed on our honeymoon. The Grand Hyatt:
What does this have to do with design? Actually, not a whole lot. But, these are inspirational places for me. While I'm not a big fan of the rustic, mountain look embodied by Aspen, nor do I have an Aspen-type budget, I love to spend time in Aspen and the mountains. I always leave feeling refreshed and energized.
Here's some art we purchased on our honeymoon. It's pictures of traditional Hawaiian quilt designs. These have been residing under my bed for the last few years. I just pulled them out to go along with the new shower curtain in the kid's bathroom.
Now, I can gaze at this art and be reminded of Hawaii. So, I know you probably can't jump on a plane to go buy art, so I've searched high and low on etsy for some pieces for you dear reader. Wait, do I even have any readers???
Ahhhhh, the beach. How I LOVE the beach. Here's some super-cute beachy decor for you, curtesy of etsy. I don't generally love a "theme" room, say a whole bathroom with shells, beach pics, sand on the floor, and the like. But, I do think this art is beautiful as long as it is not overdone.
These crabs remind me of my husband's Maryland roots and the crab boils he loves:
How cool is this coral? It's printed on a vintage book page:
Blue, my favorite color:

Click on the links below the pics to be directed to the etsy sellers of these pieces. Check out their other work too. I bet you'll find something you like.
What romantic gift did my sweet husband give me for our anniversary? Jewelry? Chocolate? Perfume? Roses? Nope. Wood floors!!!! and I could not be more excited! I'm definitely saving him forever, and he doesn't even need a makeover!
Are there any places that inspire you? Do you have memoribilia around your home from special trips you have taken?
Great post! Thanks so much for the feature!
What a great post!! I feel already refreshed after looking at those beautiful places =)
Thanks for including our Coral Vintage Book Page Print.
Thanks for the walk down memory lane hONEY. tHIS post is way better than a singing card. I guess those memories seem so dream-like because they are. I am so glad you agreed to mary me!
Now how do I follow this blog - it's awesome!
Thanks so much for including my blue coral painting! And now I've found your blog too, I'm sure I'll enjoy reading back through all of your posts. Looking forward to following along. Kerri
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